The World Student olympics on the PetroCup interactive simulator, is tailored towards senior oil and gas university students who are currently studying in the following degrees:
- Geology
- Exploration
- Field Development
- Oil and gas field operation
Main strategic objectives
- Support government plan to train skilled professionals for the oil and gas sector.
- Assist in the creation and improvement of a training system for future professionals that meets the goals and requirements of the Russian oil and gas industry, and addresses the current gap between students' educational level and the practical needs of operational companies - future employers.
- Competitive spirit
- The will to win
- Quickly make decisions while thinking outside of the box
- Apply your skills within a team setting
- Reflect outcomes of all your actions
- Work in a team, arrive at a decision that is not only correct but also reached through collective effort

- Upgrading university standards (including extracurricular activities), by integrating innovative educational tools such as automated software technology and artificial intelligence
- Enhancing the reputation and status of Oil & Gas professions
- Supporting intellectually competitive student activities worldwide.
- Create collaborative connections among universities worldwide, and form a bond between future industry professionals
- Create a worldwide Oil & Gas student community hub
PWSO is an origin of human resources:
Oil & Gas companies and young specialists find PWSO to be a highly appealing and valuable resource. By participating in PWSO, students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their skills across a wide range of disciplines. Companies can use this tool to find out if their team can tackle new challenges. As a result, this tool is particularly beneficial for young professionals who want to demonstrate their potential and stand out to industry companies
PetroCup is beneficial for oil and gas companies and can be used as:
- a testing tool and a way to identify student talents with the good set of knowledge and competencies
- a recruitment tool that helps oil and gas companies minimize labor costs and time, when conducting multi-stage interviews, while also eliminating biased assessments of a candidate's level, capabilities, and potential
- a tool for forming company human resource database
- a tool to bridge the gap between the theoretical training of students and the practical requirements of oil and gas companies